Wellness nutrition: Nourishing body, mind and soul !

Wellness nutrition: Nourishing body, mind and soul !

Wellness Nutrition: You are what you eat

Wellness Nutrition: Have you ever thought about the impact of our daily meals on our general well-being? Well-being nutrition isn’t just about staying in shape or shedding unwanted pounds. It’s about nourishing our body, mind and soul with the right nutrients! Ever heard the expression “You are what you eat”? But what does it mean?

The Core Principles of Wellness Nutrition

  • Well-being relationship with food
    Careful, it’s not just “food”. Wellness nutrition takes into account the whole human being – mind, body and soul. If we were to make a comparison, a car needs fuel to run, right? Well, our bodies need a balanced diet to function at their best. And isn’t it amazing how much food influences our mood and our spirit?
  • Nutrient Density over Calorie Counting
    Have you ever been trapped in the calorie counting cycle? Well-being nutrition is totally different. It’s not the same way of looking at things. It’s not about how much you eat, but WHAT you eat. A handful of almonds may contain the same number of calories as a few sweets, but guess which contains more nutrients? SPOIL: yeah it’s the almonds !
Wellness nutrition

Components of a Wellness Nutrition Plan

Macronutrients and Their Importance

Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are the stars of our meals. They provide us with the energy we need. But don’t forget that balance is essential. Don’t be afraid of fats or shy away from carbohydrates: it’s all about finding the right types and quantities. So what are carbohydrates, proteins and fats?


Carbohydrates account for between 50 and 60% of our need. These carbohydrates are found in pasta, rice, bread, vegetables and fruit. When we eat carbohydrates, they are converted in two ways: into glucose (then in the bloodstream for short-term use) and into glycogen (stored in the liver and muscles of the body).

Lipids (fats)

Lipids represent between 25 and 30% of our needs. They are found in animal and vegetable fats. Lipids are transformed into fatty acids and cholesterol. They are also converted into monoglycerides. Our lipid reserves are enormous; in fact, they represent our primary energy reserves. This is what we store in our body’s “fats”. Our average body fat reserves represent 8kg of our body weight!


These account for between 11% and 18% of a healthy person’s diet. Like lipids, they come from plant and animal sources. However, there is a difference between proteins and fats. Firstly, proteins can be converted into glucose to provide immediate energy. They are not stored like fats. In short, proteins are our muscles.

Micronutrients: not every hero wears a cape.

Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, we hear less about them, but they are ESSENTIAL.

The role of hydration

Water doesn’t just quench your thirst. What we are perhaps less aware of is the extent to which hydration is the key to our physiological balance. Firstly, it eliminates toxic substances from the body. To eliminate them, the kidneys have to do their job by draining this waste from our bodies.

Incorporating Wellness Nutrition into Daily Life

  • Making Mindful Choices
    Choosing an apple over a doughnut may seem difficult, but it’s those everyday choices that add up. There’s no question of stopping eating doughnuts – no, a treat now and then doesn’t hurt. But it has to remain a pleasure and, above all, a pleasure that’s not a daily one!
  • The Power of Habits and Routines
    You don’t have to change overnight. Small habits, like drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning or taking a piece of fruit for a snack, can make a big difference. Progress is made by taking small steps.
Wellness nutrition

The Connection Between Wellness Nutrition and Mental Health

The link between the gut and the brain is not just a myth. Our food choices influence our mood and mental health. Have you ever felt weak, or sick to your stomach after a bad meal, or energised after a fresh salad? That’s your body talking!

Debunking Common Nutrition Myths

  • Myth 1: Fat is bad for you
    Remember the avocado toast trend? These are healthy fats! It’s all about choosing the right fats, those that nourish rather than those that harm. Avocados are excellent for your health.
  • Myth 2: Skipping meals can aid weight loss
    Starving yourself is not the solution. Regular, balanced meals are. Skipping meals can slow your metabolism and affect your energy levels. Why go down this route when you can eat and stay healthy?

So, you’re trying for your health?

It’s about making choices that benefit not only our bodies, but our minds too. Because at the end of the day, our approach to nutrition must also benefit our mental well-being.

Optimizing Wellness: Nutrition and Lifestyle Advice


  1. What is wellness nutrition?
    • It’s an approach to eating that focuses on nurturing the body, mind, and spirit.
  2. Are fats bad for you?
    • Not all fats. Healthy fats, like those from avocados and nuts, are beneficial.
  3. Does wellness nutrition involve calorie counting?
    • It emphasizes nutrient density over calories. It’s about the quality of food.
  4. How does hydration play a role?
    • Water is essential for many bodily functions and aids in digestion, circulation, and temperature regulation.
  5. How does food affect mental health?
    • Diet plays a key role in mood, energy levels, and overall mental wellbeing.

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